Summer President’s Letter

Enjoying the “summer” life of a graduate student?  Are you making posters and presentations, furiously doing research before classes start again, longing for the relaxed summers of undergrad?

Take a break!  Read about all the fun events at JAM the graduate student division has planned for you.  From networking at the career insights luncheon to riding a mechanical bull at the mixer – there is something for everyone.

I’m sure you all would agree that this year has been a whirlwind.  It seems the days drag on so slowly, but when the year is up you wonder how the time flew by so fast.  The graduate student executive council is looking forward to seeing you at all of the JAM events this year that they have worked so hard on.  Thank you to Amanda Sterrett, Michael Adams, Goshia Zobel, Steve Beckman, and Keena Mullen for all their hard work and service!

See you at JAM!

Rachel Campbell

GSD President

President’s Letter

The deadline has passed, your abstracts are turned in…now what?

  • Make sure your membership is current, if not, renew!  Don’t forget to refer a friend.
  • Register for the meeting and don’t forget to book your hotel room with the special student code you received via e-mail.
  • Be sure to check out the summaries of events at JAM this year in Indianapolis!
  • If you aren’t already a member, join our Facebook group.  This is the most efficient way to receive updates about opportunities made available by the GSD.
  • Update your CV and upload it on to myDairyCareer – now is the time to start looking for jobs and making connections.
  • Relax!  Read about the dairy industry in China and Sweden and the veal industry in Canada in the newsletter. Or read about your fellow graduate students and a past GSD officer who has moved onto an industry job!


Rachel Campbell

ADSA Graduate Student Division President

Winter President’s Letter

Happy Holidays –

Congratulations!  You made it through another semester.  As things are winding down and you are trying not to think about all you have to do next semester—take a break and read the newsletter!

While next semester will bring its share of work (don’t forget ADSA abstracts are due Feb 13th!), there will also be good times to look forward to.  The graduate student division of ADSA is already planning Dairy Tales, an awesome social event, and a joint symposium with ASAS for JAM 2013 in Indianapolis!  Don’t worry, you have plenty of time to collect data and write an abstract…Feb 13 is two months away and that is an eternity for graduate students.

Hope your holidays are filled with fun, laughter, home cooking, and much needed sleep!


Rachel Campbell

ADSA GSD President

Fall 2012 President’s Letter

Hello Grad Students!

First off, thanks to all of you for helping to make this past year’s JAM amazing for graduate students!  If you missed any of these events, check out the summaries, and be sure to attend these events next year.  Thank you again to those of you who filled out our post-JAM survey and gave use feedback for improvements to next year’s program.

I’d like to highlight several items in this newsletter:

  • If you aren’t already a member, join our Facebook group.  This is the most efficient way to receive updates about opportunities made available by the GSD.
  • Couldn’t make it to GSD events at JAM this year? Take a look at the JAM Recap!
  • Learn more about some fellow graduate students and Dr. Ric Grummer in our Student Spotlight and Professor Profile.
  • Check out educational opportunities available to you!  In the midst of research it may seem like you will be in grad school forever, but I promise you won’t, so take advantage of these opportunities while you can.
  • Get more involved with the GSD by joining the Membership Committee.
  • Update your CV and upload it on to myDairyCareer.

Best of luck in the new school year!

Rachel Campbell

ADSA GSD President

Summer 2012 President’s Letter

Hi grad students!

Wow, time flies! Can you believe its just one more month until JAM? This newsletter will highlight all of the fun events we have planned for graduate students this year! If you haven’t registered yet, be sure to sign up for all of the GSD events.

In this newsletter you will also find our first Professor Spotlight! Meet Dr. Barry Bradford, an Associate Professor in dairy nutrition and metabolism at Kansas State University.

Here is your final checklist for JAM 2012:

1) Register!

2) Book yourself a room at the exclusive Student Hotel to get free wifi and free hot breakfast!

3) Sign up forMy Program” and start scheduling your days activities! I recommend that everyone do this ahead of time – it will make the conference much more enjoyable when you know where you have to be and when you need to be there. Have a smartphone? You can also use the new Mobile Program!

4) Practice your journalism skills by reporting for “Dair-e-news” about the JAM symposium of your choice!

5) Sign up for GSD events! This year we have some really exciting new events planned specifically for grad students, like… (click on each link to find out more!)

I look forward to seeing many of you in Phoenix next month! This is my last newsletter, after JAM I will pass the torch to Rachel Campbell (my current VP and next year’s President)!

Katy Proudfoot
ADSA GSD President

Spring 2012 President’s Letter

Hello Grad Students!

When I first wrote this letter last week it was snowing in Vancouver… but now it is sunny and the roads are filled with cherry blossoms! I really hope that the old saying is true this year, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb… we will see!

Either way, many of us will be enjoying lots of sun in Phoenix in just a few months!

In this newsletter, you will find some very important information to make your 2012 JAM experience the best possible. If you can’t make it to JAM this year, don’t fret, there are other exciting events happening on the web to keep you busy.

Thanks to everyone who nominated themselves or a fellow graduate student for the upcoming Officer elections! Stay tuned for information about our upcoming election for the next leaders of the GSD…

I wish you all a wonderful Spring!

Katy Proudfoot
GSD President

Winter 2011 President’s Letter

Hi ADSA Graduate Students!

Well, the year is coming to an end, I hope you have all had a productive 2011!

Here at the ADSA GSD we are trying to deliver as much relevant news to you as possible. We have been a little slow getting started this year… but you can help us out by giving us your opinion on how we are doing! What else do you want from the GSD? 

A few things to report in this newsletter:

  • JAM 2012 Call for Abstracts is out! Its time to start thinking about your abstract, whether you are doing a talk or a poster, or perhaps scrambling for some data to quickly analyse before February 15th!
  • It’s also that time of the year to Renew Your Membership! Graduating students are very lucky this year, you have the chance to experience the new transitional membership costing 1/2 as much as a professional member.
  • Looking for a job? I know many students who choose to defend their MSc and PhD right before the holidays… but then what? Create a profile on the new myDairyCareer and start looking for jobs! If you don’t find something right away – don’t worry – this is a very new service and we are adding employers by the day!

Happy holidays everyone! I hope you are enjoying these newsletters – don’t be shy – let us know what you think!

Katy Proudfoot
GSD President

Fall 2011 President’s Letter

Hello ADSA Graduate Students!

Welcome to a new semester! But alas, as graduate students most of us were probably in the lab or the barn all summer… all that has really changed are busier buses and more undergraduates in the hallways!

As for me, I have spent the last week in Denmark at the Foulum Research Centre on a research internship with Aarhus University. It has already been an amazing experience, and it will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of my PhD! I strongly encourage all of you to look into the potential for travel/research internship opportunities at your university!

Can you believe it has been 2 months since JAM? And we are already in the process of planning next year’s GSD events! Thanks to everyone who completed the post-JAM survey, this information will help us plan better for next year. If you want to get involved in planning JAM 2012, make sure that you apply for one of our sub-committees!

We have a few other exciting things to share with you in this newsletter:

  1. The *Grand Opening* of the MyDairyCareer tool for ADSA Graduate Students!
  2. ADSA GSD Facebook and LinkedIn groups! We have 101 friends and are looking for more!
  3. Our first of many Student Profile! Meet Kevin Herrick, Land O’Lakes, Purina Feed LLC Graduate Student Poster Contest Winner!

See details of all of these topics in the posts to follow. Have a wonderful semester and look for more ADSA news to come your way soon!

Katy Proudfoot
ADSA GSD President

Summer 2011 President’s Letter

The flowers are blooming, classes are ending, the university is getting quiet, and we all know what that means… it’s almost time for JAM! This year’s conference is going to be especially exciting for dairy science graduate students because of our inaugural ADSA Graduate Student Division!

To help make your trip easier, here is your pre-JAM checklist:

☑ Become of member of ADSA, and get your friends to join too! This year we are giving away a prize for the most new members! Sign-up here!

☑ Book your plane ticket! Soon!

☑ Find a hotel! ADSA graduate students are in the Westin this year. Check out that pool, we will need it for the hot Louisiana sun!

☑ Start organizing your schedule with the ‘My Program’ tool offered by ADSA! Click here to get started!

☑ Pack your party clothes for the ADSA Graduate Student Mixer! Our inaugural social will be Monday, July 11th from 9pm to midnight at the New Orleans House of Blues! This is our chance  to get to know each other while enjoying some great tunes (DJ sponsored by Novus). Best of all – the first drink is on us!

☑ Mark your calendars for all of the activities planned just for graduate studentsCheck them out here!

☑ Keep your eyes peeled for these folks, we are your first GSD Advisory Council, at your service and ready to answer any of your JAM questions!

I can’t wait to meet all of you in person!

Katy Proudfoot
ADSA GSD President