GSD Leadership Opportunity

Think the ADSA GSD should be doing something different? Have some great ideas for JAM 2012? Want to become a future leader of the GSD?

Great news! The ADSA Graduate Student Division wants YOU to get involved!

We are looking for a few good volunteers to help us make the coming year a success. Check out the committees below where we need the most help! Each volunteer will sit on one committee for a one year term, until the end of JAM 2012.

If you are interested, please email with:

  1. Your name
  2. One or two committees you want to join, ranked in order of preference
  3. A copy of your CV or resume


JAM Social Events
Committee Chair: Lizzie French

A goal of the GSD is to provide opportunities for graduate students to network with other graduate students working in dairy science, the JAM Social Events committee will be vital to accomplishing this goal. The JAM social events committee will be responsible for planning and coordinating both a pre-JAM tour of a dairy farm or processing plant and the GSD social event. This includes finding a venue for the social event and ensuring adequate funding for the event either by corporate sponsors are through drink tickets. For the pre-JAM tour of a dairy farm/processing facility the committee will need to identify tour options as well as associated costs, and arrange for necessary transportation.

Career Development
Committee Chair: Emily Hurt

The Career Development committee will focus on providing opportunities for graduate students to learn more about academic and industry careers and tools to help graduate students transition from student to salary earner. The committee will be responsible for organizing the JAM career roundtable including arranging for the panelists. The other main responsibility will be to ensure the success and usefulness of the myDairy Career online tool which will include promoting the site to both student and corporate members of ADSA.

Committee Chairs: Prafulla Salunke, Fabio Lima

The Membership committee is charged with the vital task of increasing and retaining graduate student ADSA members. This committee will be responsible for helping to identify possible new members and communicate the value of an ADSA membership to them. Other responsibilities include collecting and analyzing data on membership to identify ways ADSA GSD could retain and increase membership.

Committee Chair: Rachel Campbell

The Communications committee will work to keep the graduate student members of ADSA informed of ADSA and GSD activities through a variety of media including Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. The committee will also be responsible for putting together the quarterly newsletter. The Communications committee will also look at ways of fostering graduate student discussions and ways to enhance graduate student participation through social media.

Committee Chair: Katy Proudfoot

The Education committee will work to provide educational opportunities for graduate students. This includes planning and coordination educational JAM events, such as a joint ASAS-ADSA workshop and an informal session for graduate students in dairy production and foods to get to know a little about the other’s research. This will include finding speakers for the events and coordinating with the Communications committee on publicizing the events.  The Education committee will also plan and promote one or two webinars during the following year.