Student Profiles: Meet Your New Exec Team!



President: Amanda Sterrett


Educational Background:

University of Kentucky, Dairy Systems Management, hopefully an M.S. as of this Friday (fingers crossed) and continuing on for my PhD

Previous Degrees: University of Findlay, B.S. in Animal Science and Biology, 2009

Thesis Topic: Management and Technology Solutions for Improving Milk Quality


Were you involved in SAD (Student Affiliate Division)? If so, how? Unfortunately, no. I was not involved with dairy in general until my junior year of my undergraduate career and my school was not involved with ADSA so I was not exposed to it until graduate school.

Do you plan to present at JAM 2013?  Yes, a poster and an oral.

What is your favorite GSD event and why? All of them, of course! I love that Dairy Tales exposes me to new and interesting topics. I really enjoyed the ADSA/ASAS Symposium last year and it was actually my overall favorite symposium of JAM. The Career Insights lunch was nice because I got to talk with other GSD members and hear from those out in the real world. The mixer was a lot of fun last year as I got to meet so many GSD members and I am really looking forward to that this year.

Just for Fun:

What is your favorite dairy food? Frozen yogurt, specifically the orange flavor from Orange Leaf.

If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would it be and why? Rosalind Franklin because of her involvement in such an amazing scientific development and the resulting advancements for women in science. I also have a long list of mastitis researchers whom I would love to meet and talk to.

Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours.  There are too many to list in this article.  My advisor and lab mates call me Sheldon (from the Big Bang Theory) because I tend to embody some of his quirkiness, particularly the germophobia and awkward social presence.

If you had to describe yourself using three words, they would be… Passionate, inquisitive, and hard-working.

When you were little, who was your favorite super hero and why? Though not actual super heroes, The American Gladiators (from the TV show) were my idols. My family even took me to Orlando, FL once to watch the filming of the show. I got all their autographs and talked about it for years (and obviously still do).

If you couldn’t be a dairy scientist, you would want to be…An animal scientist of another species. I can’t imagine not working with animals.

Curtis Park……………………………………………………………..

Vice President: Curtis Park


Educational Background:

North Carolina State University, PhD Food Science, expected 2016

Thesis Topic: MS: Influence of spray drying parameters on the flavor of WPC

Previous Degrees (Undergraduate/ Graduate): BS Food Science BYU (2011), MS Food Science NCSU (2013)


Were you involved in SAD (Student Affiliate Division)? If so, how? I went to some of the activities at the JAM 2012 but that was about it.

Do you plan to present at JAM 2013?  Yes

Just For Fun:

What is your favorite dairy food?Either ice cream or cheese!

Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours: As a kid I would always follow the “don’t step on a crack or you’ll break your mother’s back” rule.  Out of habit I still avoid stepping on cracks even if I’m not thinking about it.

If you couldn’t be a dairy scientist, you would want to be…I think I would want to be a professional jazz musician.  It’s something I’ve done as a hobby for a long time.

Adam Geiger……………………………………………………………..

Secretary: Adam Geiger


Educational Background:

Virginia Tech, Ph. D. in Lactation Physiology, anticipated May 2017

Thesis Topic: Effect of pre-pubertal feeding strategies on mammary growth, cell proliferation, and lactation potential in dairy calves

Previous Degrees (Undergraduate/ Graduate): MS at Mississippi State University in Ruminant Nutrition

Thesis Title: Effect of increased crude protein concentration in the milk replacer with or without direct-fed microbial supplementation on Holstein dairy calves during heat stress

BS at UW-Madison in Dairy Science


Were you involved in SAD (Student Affiliate Division)? If so, how? Yes.  I attended the conference all 4 years of undergrad and participated in dairy bowl 3 of the years. I also have served as a chaperone to the southern ADSA-SAD twice and served as a dairy bowl judge both of those years

Do you plan to present at JAM 2013?  Yes, I am presenting my thesis research.

Just For Fun:

What is your favorite GSD event and why?  All of the socials were a lot of fun at JAM last year, but dairy tales and the career insight luncheon were great.  The dairy tour in Phoenix was also really neat to see.  If I had to pick one I think the career luncheon takes the cake.

What is your favorite dairy food?  I’m from Wisconsin.  Cheese it is.  More specifically, Fontina cheese made by Belgioso, or cheese curds from Laacks.  Gotta love the cheese curds!

If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would it be and why?  On a sentimental note, my grandmother.  She played, and continues to play, a large role in who I am and why I do what I do.  Otherwise, Aaron Rogers.  Go Pack Go!

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why?  Dubai maybe?  The pictures look really cool and elegant.  Otherwise I would love to go to New Zealand/ Australia.  Just to see their landscape and all the grazing operations out there.

Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours.  I am colorblind, but that’s not a habit, I was born that way.  I am known as “Extreme” in my grad office because I keep a strict planner and make sure I accomplish everything in it every day.  A lot of my fellow students think I have a little bit of OCD going on. 

If you had to describe yourself using three words, they would be… Outgoing, Determined, Fun. That is a tough question

When you were little, who was your favorite super hero and why? Batman.  His belt with all those gadgets is pretty cool.

If you couldn’t be a dairy scientist, you would want to be… Animal Scientist.  Kidding.  I always thought going to business school and then law school would have been interesting.  So maybe a lawyer?  Easy with the judgement.

Maneesha Mohan……………………………………………………………..

Dairy Foods Director: Maneesha Mohan


Educational Background:

The University of Tennessee, PhD program, expected 2014

Thesis Topic: Nanostructure and properties of casein micelles

Previous Degrees (Undergraduate/ Graduate): B.Tech. Dairy Science and MS Biological sciences


Were you involved in SAD (Student Affiliate Division)? If so, how? No

Do you plan to present at JAM 2013?  Yes

Just For Fun:

What is your favorite dairy food? Ice cream

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why? Manasarovar lake in the Himalayas

Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours. Roll my r’s when I am very excited.

If you couldn’t be a dairy scientist, you would want to be: a world traveler

Eric Testroet……………………………………………………………..

Treasurer: Eric Testroet


Educational Background:

Iowa State University, Biochemical and molecular nutrition, expected M.S. Summer 2013, PhD 2016

Thesis Topic: The impact of DDGS on milk quality (and milk product quality) in dairy cows

Previous Degrees (Undergraduate/ Graduate): BA Chemistry


Were you involved in SAD (Student Affiliate Division)? If so, how? No

Do you plan to present at JAM 2013?  No, I presented at the Midwest ADSA meeting.

Just For Fun:

What is your favorite GSD event and why?  I really enjoy Dairy Tales.  Dairy Tales is a fun event to plan and has very interesting topics presented in a fun way.  It gives attendees the opportunity to learn about current “hot topics” in a more casual way than the traditional scientific presentation.

What is your favorite dairy food?  I am a huge cheese fan.  I think it’s amazing that you can make so many diverse foods from milk.

Robb Bender……………………………………………………………..

Dairy Production Director: Robb Bender


Educational Background:

University of Wisconsin – Madison, Ph.D. in Dairy Nutrition, expected May 2015

Thesis Topic: “Integration of Nutritional Data on Commercial Dairy Farms to Develop Real-time Decision Making Tools”

Previous Degrees (Undergraduate/ Graduate): Bachelor of Science – Dairy Science (UW – Madison 2010); Master of Science – Dairy Science Reproductive Physiology (UW – Madison 2012)


Were you involved in SAD (Student Affiliate Division)? If so, how? No

Do you plan to present at JAM 2013?

Oral: Effects of acute feed restriction combined with targeted use of increasing LH in FSH preparations on superovulation and embryo quality in lactating dairy cows

Poster: Improving embryo recovery from superovulated Holstein dairy cattle: Evaluation of reflushing 30 minutes after the initial flush on embryo recovery.

Poster:  Comparison of in situ versus in vitro methods of fiber digestion at 120 and 288 hours to quantify the indigestible NDF fraction of corn silage samples.

Just For Fun:

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why? I think Brazil would be a lot of fun.  As a result of a few years in graduate school, I have a lot of friends in Brazil that have been students and interns at Madison.  It would be great to see some of them again.

 If you couldn’t be a dairy scientist, you would want to be… Probably a dairy farmer.  Getting cooped up in the office or lab is not my ideal place to be.  I would much rather be working with the cows in some capacity. 


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